Monday, April 27, 2015

Creepypasta - 'I Am My Father's Son'

The following is a original CreepPasta -

I knew from a very young age that I was adopted. I knew where I came from. But I never knew my birth parents or what life was like back in the 80's when I was born. I walked up stair into our study and opened up the large blue file cabinet. I knew where my file was but I never really looked closely at it. All that there was was just a birth certificate and a US citizenship certificate. Nothing more. I started to give up knowing that the answers I am looking for wouldn't be found. At least not in this life time. I stared to close the drawer when I heard something fall. It sounded like I accidently knocked a folder loose and It fell to the bottom.

''Shit, just great!"

How the hell am I suppose to reach that.

I took a moment to look at my options and to see what I was dealing with. Finally I realized I had no other choice but to pull the bottom drawer out. Take out all the files and try to crawl in after it. What seemed like hours I finally got all the files out. I set them into neat piles so it would be easier to put them back.

I reached back clawing at the floor. Finally my hand hit the edge of the corner and I began to paw at it, drawing it closer to me. I picked it up and carefully crawled backwards. I sat on the floor looking at it. The folder was old and looked like it had been left outside. A stained tan folder with some torn edges and stains.

I opened it up and suddenly realized I might just get my answers sooner rather than later. There was an old photo of me as a baby. I was crying, and I could see someone holding me up. I can understand why I was crying. I never did like having my picture taken when I was little. There was several sheets with handwritten notes and another copy of my birth certificate. I picked up one of the notes and started reading it.

Apparently I was named after my father. That was common thing back then for the father and the son to have the same name just with Jr. at the end or the 2nd. My father's name was Gustavo Alfonso Figueroa Vera. I picked up another note. This one was written in red ink where as the others were written in black. It read. 


Centuries ago in Santiago Chile there was reports of a demon terrorizing a small village. It had killed mostly farm animals and a few people that were out late at night. The population in the village had started dropping. Fear ran though the community like wild fire and people were helpless. Over the years people had tried to kill the demon but ended up becoming victims instead of heroes.
 One day some of the villagers came across the demon sleeping. Somehow it exhausted itself right in the middle of the village. The people wasted no time. They quickly chained it up and all surrounded it.
Soon after the demon started to wake up and realized what a big mistake it had made. It started lashing out at everyone around it. Unable to grab anyone for they were all out of arms reach of the creature. The villagers had all agreed that it's head should be chopped off. They all waited as several of the strongest men held the demon down. One man had gotten an axe and some of the woman where praying that the creature stay dead and no more blood will be spilled. Soon the men all jumped on the demon and stated to wrestling it to the ground.
A small boy stepped out from the crowd and started at the demon. The creature soon locked eyes with the boy and started hissing and spitting at him. The boy showed no fear as the demon kept taunting him. The boy slowly raised a finger and pointed to the demon. With a soft voice the boy then named the demon as if it was a pet he just picking out.

"Gustavo Alfonso Figueroa Vera"

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