Sunday, August 06, 2006

There's Someone in the chimney

In the living room there is a fire place instead of the shelf. I see some dust fall down an hear some noises, then I tell my dad, then he says there's someone in there and he's gonna pass through my attic's. So we go up to my closet open door, move some of my closes out of the way then open the small attic door and crawl in. There's a square that jets up about 2 inches from the floor. My dad says that who evers in there'll pass through here. Soon he leaves an I stare at the hole. Then I hearsome noises and I see some things moving. Then I see a hand place a rench in front of me, so I take it then scream at whose ever there an smash the wood in random places with the ranch. I go back down very scared an trying to tell someone to call the cops but no one listens. So I go back up there every no and then and just wait for something to happen. Nothing happens, yet I here noises every now and then. I find a paintball gun and shoot in different places hoping ill draw who evers in there out, still nothing. I go back out to see my dad has fallen asleep on my bed, I try to wake him an tell him that I got the ranch away from him and I saw a hand, but he's just half asleep and says ok, then falls back to sleep. I turn to see the closet doors half open and can see someone pulling them selfs out of the hole. I turn to look at the clock behind my bed then wake up.


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