Sunday, September 19, 2021

Halloween: Returns To Haddonfield Comic (2003)

 I'm still amazed that no one else has uploaded this comic. Here it is... some of it. There's 21 more pages after the actual comic section of it all. Mostly just comments about the cast an crew of the franchise. I'll upload the rest later. But for now.. he y'all go. 


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Saturday, August 21, 2021


You... are Paimon. One of the nine kings of Hell. We have looked to the northwest.. We reject the trinity and pray devoutly to you, Great Paimon. Give us your knowledge of all secret things, bring us honor, wealth, and good familiars. Bind all men to our will as we have bound ourselves for now and ever to yours..

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Wednesday, January 13, 2021

 One of my old favorite stories: 

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Sunday, June 14, 2020

My Drums

My drums include:

Black Yamaha Rydeen 5-Piece Drum Set:
12" tom
13" tom
16" floor tom
14" snare
22" bass drum

Pulse 4-Piece Cymbal Pack:
14" hi-hat cymbals
16" crash cymbal
20" ride cymbal

Just reacently a china splash (. [Unknown Brand]

Tama Iron Cobra double bass Pedals

Pair of Ahead drumsticks
2 pairs of Vic Firths
pair Pro-Pack hot rods

tom clamps
snare stand
hi-hat stand
cymbal stands
multi clamp
extra ride 
boom arm

Monday, August 27, 2018

Transcribed my new favorite song from Kissing Candice. Wasn't finding it anywhere else so... yeah.

 [ Kissing Candice - Vagabonds ]

This is the only world I know
The only way to live to grow
sacrificed all I love
step forward and rise

we all feel
we don't belong
so raise your head up
look up and be strong
salvation start with one
we are a family

so raise your hands
cause we belong
and sing our song
let go of fear be strong
we are the vagabonds

strangled and mangled by society's will
ive got you at a stalemate
im going in for the kill
ill get back up
you can't keep me down no more
I persevere we won't be ignored
we are the vagabonds

so raise your hands
cause we belong
and sing our song
let go of fear be strong
we are the vagabonds

your home is here
our strength is in numbers
our choice is clear

so raise your hands
cause we belong
and sing our song
let go of fear be strong
we are the vagabonds

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Feels like the 90's

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Pop vs. Metal

There is something I've notice about the music lately. Mostly pertaining to the genres of pop and metal.

Metal heads have been come out on top lately from the articles on spotify .To their other article about how loyal metal fans are as a pose to there genres.

Which reminds me of comic books. The interesting question of ''who would you be?''. A superhero or a villain. For me I see ''pop" music as the superhero. Something that has rules (I just made you think of Heath Ledger's Joker didn't I) and always plays it safe. Something for everyone and a bit of family friendly if you will.

Then there's metal music. The villain. The one that has no rules and does what it wants to because it's not here for your approval. The thing that says I am going outside of the system. And when you see the villain standing there, you always see the thugs behind them. That would be the fans, ready to jump when the leader says jump.

So just thought I'd give my two cents.

Monday, July 27, 2015

All for you little phone

Much like Mr. Onion's plastic wife. My phone just got a face lift..